What you need to know about the care-based approach to auto insurance.
What are the care and recovery benefits?
These benefits are available to every British Columbia resident who is injured in a crash, no matter who is responsible. Benefit amounts are adjusted every year for inflation.
Pre-approved treatments
If you’re injured in a crash, you’re automatically pre-approved for treatments to help you recover for the first 12 weeks after the crash, including registered massage therapy, physiotherapy, counselling and more. You don’t need a doctor’s referral to access treatment, only your ICBC claim number.
These treatments are meant to help you return to the same level of function as before the crash, so you can fully participate in daily activities. An ICBC recovery specialist will help you with your recovery goals but does not determine your care alone– they work closely with your doctor or health care provider on your recovery.
If it's been 12 weeks and you haven’t returned to function, your health care providers can recommend a benefit extension for additional treatments as needed.
Learn more about pre-approved treatments.
Income replacement
If your injuries prevent you from working for seven days or more, you can apply for the income replacement benefit, which provides income assistance until you can return to work.
The income replacement benefit can replace up to 90 percent of your net income, up to a maximum of $113,000 in annual gross income, and is adjusted every year for inflation (if you earn more than this, you can speak to your broker about options for additional income top-up coverage).
Learn more about the income replacement benefit.
Other financial benefits
In addition to pre-approved treatments and income replacement, you may be eligible for additional financial benefits that help ensure your injuries from the crash don’t impact your financial wellbeing:
Travel reimbursement to help cover treatment-related travel costs like mileage, transit and parking
Personal care assistance to help you perform daily tasks during your recovery
Caregiver benefit that covers weekly caregiving expenses if you were the primary caregiver of another person before the crash
A lump sum benefit if your injury is deemed permanent
Learn more about financial benefits to support your recovery.
Benefits for severe, permanent and catastrophic injuries
If a crash results in permanent, life altering injuries, ongoing medical and rehabilitation support may be needed. Our dedicated team of advanced recovery specialists help our most seriously injured customers get the care and support they need.
Benefits for severe, permanent and catastrophic injuries may include:
Benefits covering extraordinary expenses for home and vehicle modifications where needed
Personal care assistance
Learn more about benefits for severe, permanent and catastrophic injuries.
If the crash resulted in a death
We’re here to support families through the loss of a loved one with coverage for funeral expenses, grief counselling and death benefits.
Learn more about coverage for funeral expenses, grief counselling and death benefits.
What is Enhanced Care?
What you need to know about the care-based approach to auto insurance.
Explore customer stories
Take a look at how Enhanced Care has helped our customers who were injured in crashes.