Autoplan Insurance

What determines insurance costs?

Want to understand how your insurance premiums are determined? Read all about the factors that go into your insurance costs.

Get an estimate

Cost insurance estimate

You will be asked to list those who drive your vehicle when you go to renew your insurance. To help you prepare for your visit to an Autoplan broker, use this tool to pre-list drivers and get an estimate.

Driver and vehicle risk

Like any insurer, we try to match insurance costs to a driver's and a vehicle's risk—that is, the likelihood of a claim in the future.

The higher the risk, the more you’ll pay in insurance. The more crashes you’ve caused, for example, the more it will cost to insure your car.

The good news is, safe driving and lots of experience can help to lower your premiums.

Cost insurance - experience


You'll earn better Basic insurance discounts with each year of

driving experience, up to 40 years.​​

Cost insurance crash history

Crash history

The more crashes you cause, the more you'll pay in insurance.​

Cost insurance - who drives

Who ​​drives your car

You'll be asked to list who drives your car. Their experience and crash history will also be considered.​​

Cost insurance - where you live

Where you live

We divide the province into territories based on geography, because traffic and other driving risks vary around the province.

Cost insurance - how you use car

How you use your car

Your premiums reflect how you use your vehicle - for example, pleasure only or business use.​

Other factors

There are a few more factors that will determine how much you’ll pay for insurance.

Cost Insurance - discount savings

Discounts and savings

Certain features of your car may qualify you for a discount, such as advanced safety technology or anti-theft devices. If you drive less than 5,000 km in a year, you may also qualify for a new discount. ​​​

Cost insurance - level protection

Your level of protection

If you choose Optional products such as Collision, Comprehensive or Extended Third Party Liability, this will add to what you pay.

Cost insurance - vehicle

The vehicle you drive

The ag​e, make, model and features of the vehicle you drive, along with its repair costs, affect your Optional premiums.​​

Cost insurance - deductibles

Your deductible​​

When buying some optional insurance products, you’ll have to choose a deductible, which is the amount you pay before your insurance covers the rest of your vehicle repairs. The higher your deductible, the lower the cost of your premiums.