Driver licensing

Complaints about B.C. driver training instructors or schools

Have a complaint about a driver training instructor or school in British Columbia​? ICBC's Driver Training Unit may be able to help. We are responsible for reviewing, investigating and resolving driver-training complaints.

How to make a complaint

The steps you need to take depend on the nature of your complaint. There are generally three kinds of complaints:​


Do you believe the driving school didn’t provide the agreed-upon training? Are you looking for a refund? Here’s what you should do:

Step 1: Send a written request to the school

First, you must try to resolve the issue with the school yourself.

You (or your parent/guardian) must send a written request to the school. Include the following information:

  • Your name and address

  • The refund amount you’re requesting (if applicable)

  • Your reasons for seeking a refund, and 

  • A request that the school reply to you in writing

Step 2: Submit your complaint to ICBC

If you can’t resolve the matter directly with the school, submit your complaint to our Driver Training Unit.

You can either

Step 3: ICBC contacts you

You should hear from us within 10 business days.

We may ask you to provide the following:

  • Receipt(s) from the school

  • A written statement of services provided to you

  • A copy of any signed agreement with the school, and 

  • The school’s policy statement (refund policy).​

If you’re not satisfied with the quality of your training, tell us about your experience.

Our driving school inspectors work with schools and instructors to maintain standards and help improve the delivery of training.

Step 1: Submit a complaint to ICBC

You can either

Step 2: ICBC contacts you

If you’d like us to contact you, you should hear from us within 10 business days.

We may ask you

  • For a written statement of services provided to you by the school, and

  • Why you’re not satisfied with your training experience

Did an instructor or school operator behave in a way you feel was inappropriate?

ICBC takes such allegations seriously. If necessary, we investigate instructors or schools for inappropriate or unlawful behaviour and may take action against them.

Step 1: Submit your complaint to ICBC

You can either

Step 2: ICBC contacts you

If you want us to contact you, you should hear from us within 10 business days.

We may ask you for

  • A written statement of services provided to you by the school, and

  • Details of the inappropriate behavior.

If you're not satisfied with the outcome

If after following our complaint process you're still not satisfied or we're unable to assist you, you may

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